Monday, December 30, 2019
Thursday, December 26, 2019
The No. 1 Reason Job Seekers Make Bad Career Decisions
The No. 1 Reason Job Seekers Make Bad Career Decisions The No. 1 Reason Job Seekers Make Bad Career Decisions We spend about a third of our days at our jobs, and yet roughly 70 percent ofus are unhappywith our careers.While a lack of praise from leadership can explain this unhappiness, the jobs fit may be a problem, too. Its bedrngnis necessarily that an employeeisnt smart enough to do the job theyve chosen even the smartest people make poor career decisions. Rather, poor career choices often happen because a person doesnt have all theinformation they need to make a decision that will positively impact their long-term career goals.In fact, a lack of information is the No. 1 reason why job seekers make bad career decisions.I often see job seekers say yes to any and all job opportunities given to them by recruiters without thinking about the long-term consequences of taking oneach job. It is important that, instead of jumping at every offer, professionals take time to scope out the w hole situation and really think through the impacts of their decisions.Here are a few steps you can take to make learning a part of your decision-making strategy for long-term career successRecognize Learning as the SolutionYou can certainly learn how to make the right move at the right time, so its important to recognizelearning itself as a job search solution and career success principle. Learning gives you the opportunity to research and gather the information you need to make better decisions.Learning is not just limited to what you read in books you can learn from experiences, podcasts, career consultants, coaches, mentors, and peers.Love the Learning ProcessLearning should be a lifelong pursuit, so its vital that you learn to love the process. Many top industry leaders and influencerseven go so far as setting aside five hours for dedicated learning every week.By learning to love the learning process, you can establish learning as a habit. As a result, youll be spending time ev ery week growing your career and speeding up your job search.Remain in Student ModeBeing in student mode means being in a constant state of learning. When you are in the student mode, youre always looking to gain insight. This will help you more easily find the information you need to reinvent yourself when the climate for your industry changes, or you require new skills to excel in your career path.Celebrate Each MilestoneJust as it is important to love the process of learning, it is also important to celebrate each milestone that you reach. Acquiring a new skill doesnt come to anyone easily. Treat yourself to something nice when you master a new ability or otherwise accomplish your goals.- Making a smart career move requires more than knowing how to do the job for which youre applying it also means understanding your whole career so that you dont deviate from the plan.Being in thestudent mode on a consistent basis allows you to stay ahead of the curve and beat your competition whe never necessary. Education and training are the pathways to job search and career success, so take time to learn everything you need to in order to have the career you desire. Proactively pursue connections with those who can teach you the skills you require. That is how you will become a well-rounded professional who can handle themselfat work.By making lifelong learning a cornerstone ofyour career plan, you will set yourself up to make smarter short- and longterm career decisions.Nader Mowlaeeis an engineering career coach and recruiter who is motivated by building confidence in engineers.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
How to Make a Career Change With No Experience
How to Make a Career Change With No Experience How to Make a Career Change With No Experience So youve decided that you want to change careers, but you have no experience in your chosen field. If this is you, you may find yourself getting discouraged. But you mustnt let your current lack of experience stop you from following your dreams. Instead, youre going to need to get some but how do you do that when no-one will give you a job?Here are 5 time-tested ways to gain the experience you need and ensure that you can make that leap to a new career.Work for free One simple way to do this is to offer to work for free in your target industry or profession. After all, your best career, the true career of your dreams, is one that youd just keep doing again and again even if nobody paid you for it. So where can you work for free? Its actually pretty easy to find opportunities. Do projects for your friends or for your family. Join an organization and volunteer as weve already discussed. Look for contests and enter them. You could ask companies if theyd let you intern for free so that you can gain experience. Larger companies will probably say no, given the legal pitfalls of having unpaid employees, but smaller companies will be much more willing to listen and it never hurts to ask.There may even be opportunities to gain unpaid experience in your current company. For example, lets say that you want to work in marketing. Instead of taking lunch, how about offering to help out the marketing department? If you work in a very small company you might not even have a marketing department. Be the person who volunteers to step in and handle marketing projects. Who is doing them now? Is it your boss? Perhaps he or she would actually like the opportunity to take some work off of his own hands. Youll never know until you ask.Make a partial move Another technique for bridging a large experience gap is to make a partial move towards what you want to do next. For example, lets say t hat youve been working in food service for a couple of years after college. However, you know that youd like to get into accounting because you have an accounting degree. Working for a storefront tax preparation service might offer the partial move that you need to brush up your skills even more. Youll then have some related job experience to offer to employers. If youre ultimately targeting a large corporate accounting firm then your next step might be to take an accounts payable or accounts receivable job with a very small local company. If its a food service company, the transition becomes even easier because now you have something extra to offer (your knowledge of the industry).Each step helps to close the gap between where you are and where you need to be.Add to your education Sometimes you will need more of an education. If this is the case, identify useful classes or certifications. You might need a new degree, or an extra qualification. You may well get more of an opportunit y to get to the experience you need after youve completed this education.Even if you dont require additional education, it might help. Taking classes in your new field will show your commitment and passion for your target career. It will also develop your skills. Finally, it can help you make some new connections that might be very helpful in landing your next job.Set up your own business on the side Sometimes you cant wait for a full-time employer to give you the shot. You have to reach out and take it by setting up your own business on the side. This strategy depends upon what you want to do for a living. Copywriting, graphic design, web design, accounting, event planning, social media, recruiting, administration, software development and video production all lend themselves well to freelance work. You can go out and get clients who do not have the budget to hire a full-time, in-house employee, and earn all the experience you could possibly want while getting paid to do so.Taking this path isnt easy. Like Sarah, you might have to work the job at night and on weekends, around your regular job. Thats hard work to be sure, but how much do you want this new career? And who knows, your new business may become so successful that you stick at it and dont even look for a new jobQuack like a duck Finally, you can find other ways to demonstrate your skills. I sometimes call this the quack like a duck strategy. Allow me to explain.I once had the opportunity to interview Nicholas Lore, the career change pioneer behind The Rockport Institute. During the interview he said, If you want to be a duck, you need to walk, talk, and fly like a duck, a wonderful metaphor that I have shortened to quack like a duck.These days you can demonstrate your expert status by starting a blog or podcast and promoting it on appropriate social media marketing channels, like Twitter and LinkedIn. If you stick at it, and work hard, before long you can become a known name in your field, quacking like a duck along with the best of themIn summary Being constantly told that you wont be hired because you lack experience can be a demoralizing experience, but I hope you can see that there are lots of ways to gain that experience when trying to make a career change. For more tips and strategies to help you achieve your career dreams, sign up now for our free course The 5 Secrets of a Successful Career Change. Each of the 5 secrets arrives in your inbox and we never spam or share your details.
Monday, December 16, 2019
3 Ways to Include Testimonials on Your Resume
3 Ways to Include Testimonials on Your Resume3 Ways to Include Testimonials on Your Resume3 Ways to Include Testimonials on Your ResumeDo your colleagues words speak louder than yours? Add their endorsements to your resume. TWEETIn a competitive job search environment, its more than likely that all applicants have included their qualifications, professional experience, and education on their resumes. So you may be wondering how you can make your information stand out from otzu sich candidates. Have you considered adding testimonials and endorsements to your resume formats? Read below for three ways to use this valuable information.Add testimonials from supervisors and managers corresponding to each job position. If you did a great job as Marketing Manager, then gather a written testimonial from the CEO and include that sentence underneath your Marketing Manager achievements.If you are looking to add an entire section to your resume and have three to five testimonials from various pe ople and different employers, add a section titled Testimonials or Endorsements. This resume format will show that you have multiple people that think you are a great candidate.Is your resume two pages, but you have a large gap or white space at the bottom of page two? Instead of leaving it blank, add one or two testimonials to this section. Not only does this show glowing reviews of your work, it allows the reader to end with positive thoughts about your potential candidacy for the position.When asking for testimonials, be sure to confirm that it is okay with the writer to use the information in your resume writing. Only add those testimonials that actually say something. Dont add a testimonial that says, Great job Instead, add written reviews that are specificsomething like, Heather led 18 managers throughout a new program implementation, increasing sales by 32% during her tenure. We would absolutely welcome her back in any leadership role.Finally, a crucual resume tip is to ASK f or testimonials or written recommendations. These tiny marketing pieces can be utilized on your resume as another piece of your personal marketing puzzle.Let TopResume help you write the next chapter of your career. Heres how.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The motivation science behind the tidying up craze
The motivation science behind the tidying up crazeThe motivation science behind the tidying up crazeIf you havent heard of Marie Kondos tips for tidying up, perhaps youve been too buried under piles of clutter to notice. Im only partly joking.The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing has sold more than 8 million copies worldwide. With over 9,000five-star reviewson Amazon for the English-language version, ahit showon Netflix, and articles, blogs and commentaries by pundits, psychologists and professional organizers attempting to explain the phenomenon, its hard to ignore the success of the diminutive whirlwind whose English still requires a translator and subtitles.I discovered Kondos book several years ago and it didnt take long to deduce why I fell under herbei spell. KondosKonMari approachto organization aligns perfectly with the science of motivation. Every human being thrives when three psychological needs are fulfilledchoice, connectio n and competence. 1 If you are hoping to generate more energy in the new year, your best bet may be creating choice, connection, and competence by using Kondos approach to tidying up. Let me explain.Tidying up creates choiceKondo encourages you to empty your drawer, closet or whatever you need to organize into one big pile. Just seeing that daunting pile instantaneously generates mindfulness and creates the urge to purge Mindfully, you regard each item.People have written plenty of sarcastic and snarky remarks about Kondos idea of noticing how each item makes you feel. (Seriously, is a sock supposed to spark joy? More on that in a moment.) The point here is that Kondo encourages you to mindfully make choices about each item. She provides criteria to help you make your decision about whether to keep, give away, sell or toss. I personally felt empowered and emboldened by consciously and conscientiously choosing what to do with each item. Creating choice is one-third of the triumvirate of psychological needs underlying optimal motivation.Tidying up creates connectionThe answer to Is a sock supposed to spark joy? is yes. This seemingly trivial issue is actually a great example. I had a drawer full of never-worn, over-worn, mismatched, and maybe Ill need them someday socks. Every time I opened that sock drawer, I felt a sense of dread. I never threw away an unmatched sock, thinking Id find the missing mate behind the dryer one day. Using Kondos approach, I tried each pair with the appropriate shoes. I donated 99% of those socks to Goodwill. (By the way, thrift shops have seen anincreasein donations and are crediting it to Kondos influence)Giving away good socks that werent good for me felt so good, I didnt despair having only a few pairs left. Thats when I discoveredBombas- the high-tech sock company whose socks fit and do what a great pair of socks should do As if that werent enough, Bombas donates a pair of socks to the homeless for every pair you buy. For the f irst time, I was wearing socks that literally sparked joy as I walkedFinding meaning by mindfully choosing the socks I wore sparked more than joy - it ignited my motivation to exponentially create connection through my worldly possessions. What really set my motivation on fire, though, was how Kondos approach helped fulfill my third psychological need for competence.Tidying up creates competenceI didnt even need to walk in my Bombas socks to experience a deep sense of satisfaction. A full drawer of unwearable socks became a small bin full of wearable ones. And the drawer that housed the socks now houses chosen things that had been residing in obscurity.Never underestimate the power that comes from being able to effectively manage your everyday life. If you watch verified user testimonial videos on Amazon, you witness that what makes people giddy is learning the KonMari methods for folding clothes to stand up vertically, organizing according to function and size, and storing items s o they are aesthetically pleasing. (The photo in the graphic is one of my scarf bins) Tidying up, it turns out, is a skill that can be learned it doesnt come naturally.Maries techniques for making meaningful decisions on what to keep, donate, or toss, create choice and connection - two of the psychological needs for generating the optimal motivation required for you to thrive. But the magic happens when you learn the skills necessary to organize your space, sparking the joy of creating competence fulfilling all three psychological needs.As experts ponder the success of Marie Kondos KonMari approach, I hope youll experience it for yourself, validate what we know about motivation science, and find ways to mindfully create choice, connection, and competence in other aspects of your work and life.Susan Fowlerimplores leaders to stop trying to motivate people. In her latest bestselling book, she explainsWhy Motivating People Doesnt Work And What Does The New Science of Leading, Engagi ng, and Energizing. She is the author of bylined articles, peer-reviewed research and six books, including the best-selling Self Leadership and The One Minute Manager with Ken Blanchard. Tens of thousands of people worldwide have learned from her ideas through training programs, such as the Situational Self Leadership and Optimal Motivation product lines. For more information, article first appeared on SmartBrief. If you enjoyed this article, sign up for SmartBriefs free e-mails onleadershipandcareer development, among SmartBriefsmore than 200 industry-focused newsletters.FootnoteMotivation science refers to the three psychological needs as autonomy, relatedness, and competence. To promote understanding and ease of translations, I refer to the needs in my book Master Your Motivationas choice, connection and competence.
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Fundamentals of Lying on Resume Reddit Revealed
The Fundamentals of Lying on Resume Reddit Revealed Lying on Resume Reddit for Dummies A growing number of people feel as they can get away with lying since they think no one will check and verify. So keep readingif youll be able to deal with the truth, that is. Telling the truth is so far easier than lying. Never compromise this, and always always tell the reality. In any event, the very last thing you would like is to be in a position where youve got to fret about having lies exposed. Among the other most typical lies people tell on their resumes is their preceding salary. Think twice before lying, and dont utilize personal days as a way of avoiding an arduous task. Yes, resume lies are typical. So How About Lying on Resume Reddit? If you are in doubt about your rights you will want to check with an expert. Generally, courts have discovered that employees that lied in order to have a position cannot later sue their employer claiming that they were wronged. Along with l osing your present job, you might find it even more troublesome to discover future employment since you own a termination for cause on your employment record. Some folks will do anything it requires to find an edge. Youd be totally astounded by the amount of individuals who think that they can hoodwink their way to work. If youre looking for a job there are different means of gaining experience if youre proactive, you can volunteer or start your own projects. Because weve been in operation for 20 decades, states Samuels, plenty of times well even have prior resumes for a candidate on file that are entirely different. Use the most suitable language to describe that which you have achieved and present the experience you do have in the most suitable light. Monsters experts are able to help you make the best of what you have in regard to skills and experiencewithout bending the reality. Therefore, before you even consider applying for employment, enkoranvers that your social websi tes presence is locked down. In truth, it is excellent practice. Giving into the desire to lie when applying for employment is risky though. Copying the qualifications and abilities on the work description and pasting them into your resume even in case you dont have them is nota very good idea. Tailoring your resume to suit the work description is wise. Job candidates might stretch the truth by employing vague terms to spell out their abilities and experience. The Secret to Lying on Resume Reddit To put it differently, these folks can quickly poke a hole in any story youre attempting to fabricate on your resume. So, youre never going to know, and keep making the exact same dumb mistake. Youve obviously lost your possibility of finding the job, but this is the safest alternative if you dont wish to explain or to need to handle the consequences of lying. There are a lot of high-profile instances of folks who have paid a price for resume fraud. The Good, the Bad and Lying o n Resume Reddit FindLaw notes it can be more difficult to get hired when you own a termination for cause in your work history. And sometimes, once the references provided are validates. Either way, youre never fully safe. Perhaps youll feel more confident on the next job search and eliminate the fake certifications on your resume. The organization may verify those dates with your prior employer. Very few business will attempt to weasel out of paying relocation aid. Attempt to utilize your network to become introduced to companies whenever possible. The 30-Second Trick for Lying on Resume Reddit The cover letter needs to be designed to receive them to look at your resume. If youre going to lie on your CV, making yourself quickly necessary to the operation is most likely the best method to make sure that you dont get shown the door immediately. Everything on your resume have to be true, but you dont need to list everything thats true on your resume. This may be discovered at the referencing stage, so ensure you know what kind of references your previous employers give (i.e. basic info, or more detail) before you decide to gloss over too many dates. Lying on Resume Reddit at a Glance However, asking personal questions regarding your interviewer is not likely to go over well. Even if you discover a reference eager to cooperate with your charade, the interviewer might do some additional digging by themselves, reaching out to mutual connections or independently contacting your previous boss or co-workers to discover what youre really like. Your resume is extremely vital in locating a job and is the largest factor in whether you have the interview or not. First interview was with the person who owns the firm. But should you encounter one that does, it is going to sink you when youre being untruthful. Its a synopsis of an individuals life. And unless youre asking for work that demands hand-to-hand combat, listing anything about how good youre at vio lence isnt a good idea. As you dont wish to seem just like youre not taking the interview seriously, a feeling of humor can go a very long way in impressing interviewers.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Go With Your Gut The Science of Instinct
Go With Yur ntzlich The Science of Instinct Article by Shelley LevittI had a feeling about it.I just knew.It welches a hunch.My intuition told me.I acted on instinct.I felt it in my trefflich.Weve all had these experiences countless times in our lives. Ithappens when were interviewing a potentialhire or being interviewed ourselves. It happenswhen were sizing up a potential business partner or new client. It happens when we walk into a restaurant and catch sight of our blind date at the bar, or when we cross the threshold into the two-story colonial our real estate agent has assured us is just perfect for us.Were gripped by a powerful, visceral feeling, a deep sense of certainty that tells us what to doHire the guy. Dont take the job. Move forward with the deal. This is the person youre going to marry. Make an offer on the house.And years later, when wetell the story, wellsay it was the best decision we ever made.Good thing welistened to ourwohl.The Po wer of InstinctThe phenomenon we often refer to as trefflich instinct has been studied by a broad range of experts, including psychologists, economists, microbiologists, and sociologists. When it comes to all this research, theres widespread agreement on a couple of points.First, our gut instinct isnt some magical, mystical force. Rather, says cognitive psychologist Gary Klein, Ph.D., author of Sources of Power How People Make Decisions and The Power of Intuition, Its the way we translate our experience into judgment and actions.When Klein studied how individuals such as firefighters and emergency medical personnel make instant life-or-death decisions, he found they were able to size up situations rapidly by picking up on subtle cues, patterns, and anomalies. Then, they wouldtake decisive action without having to stop and conduct deliberate analysis. Psychologist Daniel Kahneman, who was awarded the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for the pioneering work he did in dec ision-making, called this System 1 thinking. Its nicht weit davon entfernt sein, instinctual, and emotional.The second accepted factis that we couldnt survive without our gut feelings.More than 99 percent of the decisions we make every day, we make without deliberation, says Carl Spetzler, Ph.D., cofounder and CEO of Strategic Decisions Group, a strategic management consulting firm headquartered in Palo Alto, California. Hes also lead author of the new book Decision Quality Value Creation from Better Business Decisions.Those automatic decisions what Malcolm Gladwell called thinking without thinking in his best-selling book Blinkinclude everything from choosing which foot to departure with when you walk to hitting the brakes when you see a line of cars stopped in front of you on the highway or grabbing your 1-year-old when she begins tumbling off the sofa.If you think youd make better choices if emotions didnt get in your way, think again.Without our intuitions, wed be paralyzed, Kl ein says. There is very powerful research on people with brain damage that disconnects the emotional parts of their brains from the decision-making parts of their brains. Their IQ is not affected, but their lives are terribly impaired. They cant hold down jobs. Their relationships suffer. It can take them 45 minutes to figure out what to order from a menu because they dont have any sense of what they want.On the other hand and theres always another hand in the realm of decision-making relying on your gut alone is a pretty efficient formula for wrecking a business, a marriage, or a life. In their groundbreaking work, Kahneman and his late partner Amos Tversky discoveredthat intuitive thinking without further reflection is often faulty thinking. Numerous biases are at play when we make fast decisions under conditions of uncertainty. To cite just a few- We tend to have an optimistic bias,believing well succeed in the face of long odds.- We place more faith in things weveheard about r ecently than in events that happened years ago and are less easy to remember thats called availability bias.- Vivid occurrences are also more likely to influence us, which is why we typically overestimate the number of people killed in plane accidents and underestimate fatalities from car crashes. Confirmation bias means we often ignore information that doesnt support our existing beliefs and give too much weight to data thats in sync with our current mindset.- In hindsight bias, or the I-knew-it-all-along effect, we imagine that we were better at predicting, say, the ups and downs in our industry than we actually were.Put all these biases together, and we end up with what Kahneman calls WYSIATI, an acronym for what you see is all there is. Thats the unconscious conviction that everything we need to make a decision is right in front of us. After all, we feel it in our gut.Paying attention to your gut, most experts would agree, is a valuable first step in reaching a decision. But unl ess the decision involves something like picking out a puppy from a litter, youll want to combine your gut instinct with more effortful and logical deliberation, whichKahneman calls System 2 thinking. If System 1 provides a fast-and-furious first draft, System 2 hones that draft into a professional PowerPoint presentation. Its slow, deliberate, and rational.Talking Back to Your GutYoudont want to take what your gut is telling you at face value. Instead, you need to investigate whats driving yourfirst impression. Psychologist Bruce Pfau, Ph.D., is a New York-based senior partner at KPMG, one of the Big Four auditors, where he advises C-suite executives on human resources strategies and communications.What we label a gut feeling is always based on a set of variables that we havent spent time articulating, Pfau says. Only when you bring those facts into the light of day can you analyze them objectively and dispassionately and move on to making a good decision.If youre considering formi ng a partnership with somebody but have a nebulous feeling of unease, Pfau suggests free-associating Let your mind start putting words to what it is about this person thats making you uncomfortable. It can start with something vague, like I just have the feeling hes not going to be a good partner.Dig deeper. Ask yourself, What about him is making me feel that way? Does he seem too complacent? Too argumentative? Is it something in his body language? Something he said or the way he said it? It might be helpful to jot down notes or enlist someone else as a sounding board to guide your reflection. Then test your feelings against available data.Decision-Making in the Real WorldLarry Gadea is the founder and CEO of Envoy, a San Francisco-based company that helps businesses replace paper sign-in books with iPad-based visitor registration.The tough part about being a CEO is the constant need to make decisions, oftentimes without the research and context that you need to take a proper, infor med approach, Gadea says.Its taken him awhile to get used to that. Gadea is a data guy. He spent four years as a systems engineer at Google, where everything was measurable, he says. If the server took another 15 milliseconds processing a request, it could mean a loss of $50 million over the year. Being an engineer, he says, was all about making the perfect decision, not the good-enough decision.A few years ago, when Envoy was raising money, the company was in the fortunate position of having several interested investors.They were all top-tier, awesome, super smart people who knew whats up, Gadea says.As always,Gadea had done his homework, but the copious research hed gathered on each investor wasnt helping him move past indecision. So helet his gut make the final call.I asked myself, If I ever had to tell somebody bad news, who would help me? Gadea explains.His intuition pointed to a clear winner Chris Dixon, a general partner in Andreessen Horowitz, a Menlo Park, California-based venture capital firm. Dixon had, aptly enough, once launched a company called Hunch that was traktament to eBay.I really like Chris we have a lot in common and we get along really well, so it turned out to be a great decision, Gadea says. If I had overanalyzed it, who knows what micro-optimization I might have gone with that would make things much less enjoyable.Your feelings arent random, Pfau says. Theyre based on something thats observable and measurable, but you cant take reliable action until you start identifying what that is.You might ultimately come to realize your reaction is actually rooted in something not entirely rational. Perhaps Joe is setting off alarms because something about him reminds you of Warren, the kid who bullied you in junior high school. Once youve made that connection, Pfau says, you can eliminate the discomfort from your assessment.Despite his training as an engineer, Gadea was still connected to his feeling brain. For some people who are by nature deep ly analytical, that can be a challenge.Everyone has a preferred approach to decision-making based on personality type, says Spetzler. Its important not to let our preference-based habits get in the way of solving the herausforderung that needs to be solved.Spetzler says his firm is hired to help clients make big strategy choices, such as whether they should spend $5 billion on an underwater deep-seas project amid geological, geopolitical, and economic uncertainty.If they make the wrong decision, theyll never recover, Spetzler says. So people on my staff might spend months doing research and developing a decision tree that has thousands of branches.Well trained in System 2 thinking, analytical types can get stymied when it comes to making inconsequential decisions.Its always funny to watch some of my people deciding where to go to lunch, Spetzler says. They look at too many alternatives. They want to pick the single best place. Theyre caught in the extreme opposite of intuitive proce sses, and it really slows them down. Our culture is a collaborative one, but at some point I have to say, Cmon guys, its just lunch. Lets go.If this sounds like you, a couple of approaches can help you speed up the less momentous decisions in your life. First, ask yourself how much time youre going to commit to making the decision 10 minutes to choose where to go for drinks with colleagues eight hours over the next week to pick a place for the holiday office party two Saturday afternoons to research and test mattresses. Still cant decidebetween an innerspring and the memory foam model? The gut feeling you have at the deadline can clarify your final pick.Gut CheckJulie Benezet is a lawyer, entrepreneur, former Amazon executive, and now a leadership coach to top executives.I always tell my clients its good to have a bright analytical brain, but at the end of the day, the stomach is the smartest organ in the body. It houses life experiences, values, and inconvenient truths, Benezet say s.When youre wrestling with a decision, the message your gut is sending can bemuffled by emotion or urgency. Ask yourself these questionsto help you make the best use of your gut wisdom- Am I really paying attention to what my gut is telling me about a decision, or am I rushing to judgment to stop feeling anxious?- Am I listening to my gut because Im feeling lazy about supporting my feelings with facts, or do I really feel I know enough to make a call?- If I sit with this gut feeling for a few minutes and allow my head to kick in, will I allow my gut feeling to change?- Is my gut telling me what I believe to be true based on what I either know or can find out, or am I paying more attention to the truths of others?- Do I know enough about the decision to be able to defend it beyond saying Trust me if challenged by others?- Is the information I am collecting to test my gut reaction causing my gut to become calm, or is it giving my gut a flat or troubled feeling?Finally, Klein offers a dvice that might seem counterintuitive.When we have two hours to meet a deadline on reaching a decision, most of us will take care of other pressing business first, like making essential calls or answering emails that require immediate attention. We want to clear the decks so we can focussolely on the pending decision but that doesnt allow our gut to work on the dicke bretter bohren mssen in the background.Youre not giving yourself any time for incubation, Klein says. Id suggest the reverse order Immerse yourself in the project, and then take a timeout to deal with something else.Klein says your subconscious will be chewing on your decision while youve shifted your priorities, which just might provide the moment of aha clarity you need.A version of this article originally appeared in the November 2016 issue ofSUCCESS magazineand
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