Monday, May 25, 2020

Your Goals For 2020 and How To Reach Them Faster - Classy Career Girl

Your Goals For 2020 and How To Reach Them Faster In todays podcast, we are going to talk about the goals that you all have and how you can reach your goals faster One main goal that you all have is making money in a NEW career, your perfect career. Thats what I want to help you do in 2020. How CAN we make it work? A few years back, I was unhappy with where my business was and I realized I wasnt doing the things I needed to do in order to reach my goals. I made a new goal that in one year I would be in a different place. I didnt know exactly what that was but I knew I wanted to be happier and less stressed.? Just watching OTHERS. And saying I AM GOING TO DO THAT.   I want my planners in Target. So I got into action and created a planner last year. You can wish and hope and visualize, but you have to take the ACTION to produce the results. This is me right now too. ? And things can change dramatically over the year. ? ? One year, one month and one day can change everything. Its all about the commitment and the decision to make your dream happen. Nothing happens overnight.? Subscribe  on  your favorite platform below: iTunes Google Play Music Stitcher Radio TuneIn iHeartRadio Sound Cloud Here’s how to reach your goals of making MORE money in your perfect career faster in 2020: BIG ROCKS. Get laser-focused on your big rocks. 3 things for the quarter. 3 things that really matter. Don’t want to worry about the details. We can’t do everything. We can’t be perfect at everything. We have to pick our big rocks each quarter. This quarter is my PLAN course. THE RIGHT PLAN. Create the right plan to complete those 3 big rocks. This comes from talking to people. Getting feedback. If I want to be “here” in 90 days, what do I need to do?   Pareto Principle. What’s the 20% that will give you 80% of the result? Networking. and talking to your ideal clients. I love this from Michael Hyatt   Productivity is not about getting more things done; its about getting the right things done. CLARITY ON YOUR VISION: Get clear on the vision. What do you make. How much money do you need to live on each month? What is your ideal workday? How do you get to work? What do you do each day? What do you do at night and in the morning? You can’t GET what you can’t see. November 4th   SAVE THE DATE Join us for the 2020 Planning Workshop:

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